Contact Info
  • Ocean Tech solutions, SAIF Zone, Z-51,
    Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
    P.O. Box 513745
  • +971 65629231
    +971 551441243
  • Sat - Thu 08:00 - 17:00

Green Solution Services

Green solution services in the marine industry aim to reduce the environmental footprint of shipping and maritime operations while preserving the health and integrity of marine ecosystems. These services are crucial for achieving a more sustainable and responsible approach to marine activities. Here are some green technology services and practices commonly used in the marine industry:


Decarbonisation services in the marine industry refer to a range of solutions and technologies aimed at reducing the carbon emissions associated with maritime transportation. These services are crucial in addressing environmental concerns and meeting global emission reduction targets. Some key decarbonisation services Ocean Tech Solutions offer in the marine sector include:

  • 1. Alternative Fuels: Adoption of alternative fuels like LNG (liquefied natural gas) and biofuels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from ships.
  • 2. Energy-Efficient Design: Designing ships with improved hydrodynamics and hull shapes to reduce fuel consumption.
  • 3. Emission Control Systems: Use of exhaust gas cleaning systems (scrubbers) to reduce sulfur and nitrogen oxide emissions.
  • 4. Energy-Efficient Lighting and HVAC: Implementation of LED lighting and energy-efficient HVAC systems to reduce energy consumption.


The Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) is a regulatory measure introduced by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as part of its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the global shipping industry. The EEXI focuses on improving the energy efficiency of existing ships.

Ocean Tech Solutions FZE offer services related to EEXI compliance. These services typically involve assessing a ship's current energy efficiency, making recommendations for improvements, and helping shipowners and operators implement measures to meet EEXI requirements. This includes retrofitting vessels with more fuel-efficient technologies or optimizing their operational practices to reduce emissions.

Here's an overview of our EEXI and the services:

  • 1. EEXI Calculation: EEXI is calculated based on IMO regulation formula that considers a ship's technical characteristics, such as engine power, speed, and size. The goal is to determine the energy efficiency of the vessel relative to a reference line. EEXI
  • 2. Compliance Assessment: Shipowners and operators are required to assess their vessels' compliance with EEXI regulations. This involves comparing a ship's attained EEXI value with the required reference level.
  • 3. EEXI Services: Ocean Tech Solutions offer EEXI-related services to help shipowners and operators comply with the regulations. These services may include:
    • EEXI Calculation Software: Providing software tools to calculate a vessel's EEXI in accordance with IMO guidelines.
    • Technical Assessments: Conducting technical assessments of vessels to determine their current energy efficiency status and identify potential improvements.
    • EEXI Optimization Strategies: Offering advice and solutions to optimize a ship's energy efficiency, which may involve retrofitting, engine tuning, or operational changes.
    • Documentation and Reporting: Assisting in the preparation of required documentation and reports for compliance with EEXI regulations.

Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) services

Ocean Tech Solutions' Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) services are an essential component in the effort to combat climate change. Here's a more detailed explanation:

  • 1. Purpose: The primary purpose of Ocean Tech Solutions' CII services is to help organizations and industries measure and reduce their carbon footprint. Carbon intensity refers to the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced per unit of economic output, typically measured in tons of CO2 per unit of GDP or energy consumption.
  • 2. Measurement and Reporting: Ocean Tech Solutions uses advanced technology and data analytics to accurately measure an entity's carbon intensity. This involves collecting data on energy consumption, emissions, and other relevant factors. The data is then analyzed to determine the carbon intensity, which provides valuable insights into the environmental impact of an organization's operations.
  • 3. Environmental Impact Assessment: CII services go beyond mere data collection; they provide a comprehensive assessment of an organization's environmental impact. By calculating carbon intensity, businesses can understand their contribution to climate change and identify areas where emissions can be reduced.
  • 4. Compliance and Accountability: Many governments and regulatory bodies require organizations to report their carbon emissions and demonstrate efforts to reduce them. Ocean Tech Solutions' CII services assist companies in meeting these compliance requirements and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.
  • 5. Carbon Reduction Strategies: Armed with data from CII services, organizations can develop targeted carbon reduction strategies. These strategies may involve adopting energy-efficient technologies, increasing the use of renewable energy sources, optimizing supply chains, and promoting sustainable practices throughout their operations.
  • 6. Tracking Progress: Ocean Tech Solutions' CII services also offer ongoing monitoring and reporting capabilities. This allows organizations to track their progress in reducing carbon intensity over time and make adjustments to their strategies as needed.

SEEMP (Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan)

SEEMP (Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan) service offered by Ocean Tech Solutions is designed to enhance the energy efficiency of ships. The Objective is to assist shipping companies and vessel operators in optimizing the energy efficiency of their ships. This is important for reducing fuel consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and operational costs, as well as ensuring compliance with international environmental regulations, such as the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) regulations.

  • 1. Data Collection and Analysis: To create an effective SEEMP, data on various aspects of ship operation is collected and analyzed. This includes data on fuel consumption, voyage patterns, weather conditions, engine performance, and more. Advanced monitoring and data analytics tools may be employed to gather and process this information.
  • 2. Efficiency Measures: Ocean Tech Solutions identifies and recommends specific efficiency measures that can be implemented on the ship. These measures can include, but are not limited to, hull and propeller maintenance, engine optimization, route optimization, improved weather routing, and the use of advanced technologies like energy-saving devices or alternative fuels.
  • 3. Monitoring and Reporting: Once the SEEMP is implemented, continuous monitoring and reporting are crucial. Ocean Tech Solutions' service includes ongoing monitoring of the ship's performance to ensure that the energy efficiency measures are yielding the expected results. Regular reports are provided to the ship operator, allowing them to track progress and make adjustments as necessary.
  • 4. Regulatory Compliance: SEEMPs are also important for compliance with IMO regulations, such as the Energy Efficiency Exist ing Ship Index (EEXI) and the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII). Ocean Tech Solutions ensures that the SEEMP aligns with these regulatory requirements, helping shipowners meet their environmental obligations.
  • 5. Environmental Benefits: By improving the energy efficiency of ships, the SEEMP service contributes to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and the overall environmental impact of maritime transportation. This aligns with global efforts to reduce the shipping industry's carbon footprint and combat climate change.
  • Shore Power Services

    The primary purpose of shore power service is to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in and around ports and harbors. Ships typically use their engines or auxiliary generators for power while in port, which can emit pollutants and contribute to local air quality issues. It involves supplying electrical power to a ship while it is docked at a port, allowing the vessel to turn off its onboard generators or engines marine industry. The environmental benefit of shore power is the elimination or significant reduction of emissions while a ship is berthed. This includes the reduction of pollutants like sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter, which are harmful to both human health and the environment.

    Shaft Power Limitation Services:

    Shaft Power Limitation Service for the marine industry is a vital tool for optimizing the performance, safety, and environmental impact of marine vessels. It achieves this by monitoring, analyzing, and controlling the power output of a ship's propulsion system to ensure it operates efficiently, economically, and safely.

Mobile: +971 65 38 6233